#TriumphGoldCorp TSXV$TIG $TIGCF #Discovery of Two New #Gold Showings on 100% Owned Andalusite Peak #Property, #BritishColumbia – IR Pro Communications Inc.

#TriumphGoldCorp TSXV$TIG $TIGCF #Discovery of Two New #Gold Showings on 100% Owned Andalusite Peak #Property, #BritishColumbia

Triumph Gold reports results of prospecting and geological mapping on the Andalusite Peak property. Highlights of exploration include:

  • Discovery of two new gold-silver-copper occurrences, the Julep and the Gentleman vein:
      • The Julep showing consists of a feldspar porphyritic mafic intrusion with disseminated clots and veins of tetrahedrite, chalcocite and secondary malachite and azurite.  It was grab sampled in two locations 21 metres apart.  Sample E446453 graded 1.18 grams/tonne (g/t) Au, 11.2 g/t Ag and 1.135% Cu, sample E446454 graded 21.1 g/t Ag and 2.72% Cu. The size and geometry of the showing was not fully mapped, and it remains open.
      • The Gentleman vein consists of an up to 20 cm thick chalcopyrite rich quartz-carbonate-magnetite-sulfide vein, with strongly altered and mineralized selvages.  The vein was grab sampled in two locations 17 metres apart: Sample I044403 graded 1.84 g/t Au, 17.3 g/t Ag and 2.25% Cu, Sample E446455 graded 0.459 g/t Au, 2.4 g/t Ag and 0.163% Cu.  The vein was identified where it crosses a mountain-top saddle.  It remains open to the northwest and southeast.
  • Alteration mapping, aided by the collection and analysis of 67 near-infrared reflectance (TerraSpec) samples, verified that the property has been affected by intense phyllic to advanced argillic alteration over an approximately 2 X 2 km area, constituting one of the largest and most intense alteration zones in northern British Columbia.

go to: www.triumphgoldcorp.com for complete news release

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